"Escuchando Aprendo" our new radio program for children from kindergarten to 2nd grade to continue learning at home.
The space, called "Escuchando aprendo", will bring songs, riddles, stories and games to homes to reinforce language-related content.
In order to support the current situation in which children are without classes and must continue with their teaching-learning process at home, Fundación Educacional Oportunidad created the radio program "Escuchando aprendo" which began to be broadcast on local radio stations in the regions of O'Higgins and Coquimbo.
This program is especially aimed at children from prekindergarten to second grade and will feature songs, riddles, stories and games for and will include songs, riddles, stories and games so that they can reinforce some of the to reinforce some of the learning that they are already doing with the activities that their activities that their schools send them.
This created by the team of the Un Buen Comienzo (UBC) program of Fundación Educacional Fundación Educacional Oportunidad, which since 2008 has sought to contribute to the improving the quality of early childhood education (prekindergarten and kindergarten), to support schools in the improvement of pedagogical and leadership practices so that children can and leadership practices so that children can achieve a better socioemotional and language development. language and social-emotional development.
The director of implementation of the UBC program, Perla Chávez, pointed out that "this program was born from the need to program was born out of the need to provide all children with a space for learning and playful space for learning and playful enjoyment that can be available to all families, regardless of whether or not they have families, regardless of whether or not they have technological resources".
In addition, We are deeply grateful to the radio stations that have granted us a space and we hope to contribute space and we hope to contribute so that children can continue learning, exploring new explore new formats, strengthen new skills and, above all, we hope to bring joy and wellbeing in such difficult times for children. above all, we hope to bring joy and well-being in such difficult times for them and their families. them and their families".